SEED Madagascar

Lotte’s Fundraising for Madagascar 🌱

Liselotte Moeller

Liselotte Moeller

My Story

Madagascar - My story

In 2016 I went on a 3 week trekking trip to magical Madagascar and my heart still bleeds for this country and it’s inhabitants. ❤️

To be honest I had, in my naivety, imagined a green island with a rich wildlife and did not know that this is one of the poorest countries in the world, so this was quite an eye opener to me. 👀

Flying in I was chocked to see endless stretches of dry bare land and only small patches of green rainforest left. We started the journey souteast by driving through the outskirts of the capital Tana, passing the worst slump you can imagine. I can’t even find words to describe how awful it was to see. It was a wasteland.

Not many people get to the age of 60 here and medical aid is almost nonexistent. Lots of poor children running around in dirty ripped clothes, living in filthy barracks and will get in a fight over an almost empty water bottle.

Absolutely heartbreaking to experience. 😢

The rainforest is getting smaller by the minute as people need the land for rice fields to survive, which means that Madagascars unique and endemic wildlife is extremely threatened and some species is already extinct. I saw the last remaining 2 Greater bamboo lemurs in the southeast, which was a farther and daughter. It broke my heart to know that this was the end for them. Their habitat had been destroyed. 🐒🎋💔

Lemurs is the oldest primate on earth and can only be found in Madagascar.

I think it’s extremely important to make sure these beautiful and extraordinary creatures survive.

Or last stop after weeks of trekking was the beach in the southwest where we went out to snorkel around a coral reef, but sadly it was almost dead and not much fish either. 🥺🐠🐟

In Denmark I feel like working class, but here I was a millionaire and felt quite embarrassed by living such an unconcerned life compared to the endless struggle the Malagasy’s have just to stay alive.

I wanted to give them all I had, right then and there, especially the children. 💸

All this being said, Madagascar is still amazingly beautiful and diverse and the Malagasy people are so friendly and hospitable.

It’s not too late to save this paradise if we stand together and share some of our wealth.

Madagascar really got under my skin, so I would be SO grateful if you would help me reach my goal for this fundraising.

I might be naive to think we can save the world, but we can certainly make a big difference.




  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Madagascar - My story

In 2016 I went on a 3 week trekking trip to magical Madagascar and my heart still bleeds for this country and it’s inhabitants. ❤️

To be honest I had, in my naivety, imagined a green island with a rich wildlife and did not know that this is one of the poorest countries in the world, so this was quite an eye opener to me. 👀

Flying in I was chocked to see endless stretches of dry bare land and only small patches of green rainforest left. We started the journey souteast by driving through the outskirts of the capital Tana, passing the worst slump you can imagine. I can’t even find words to describe how awful it was to see. It was a wasteland.

Not many people get to the age of 60 here and medical aid is almost nonexistent. Lots of poor children running around in dirty ripped clothes, living in filthy barracks and will get in a fight over an almost empty water bottle.

Absolutely heartbreaking to experience. 😢

The rainforest is getting smaller by the minute as people need the land for rice fields to survive, which means that Madagascars unique and endemic wildlife is extremely threatened and some species is already extinct. I saw the last remaining 2 Greater bamboo lemurs in the southeast, which was a farther and daughter. It broke my heart to know that this was the end for them. Their habitat had been destroyed. 🐒🎋💔

Lemurs is the oldest primate on earth and can only be found in Madagascar.

I think it’s extremely important to make sure these beautiful and extraordinary creatures survive.

Or last stop after weeks of trekking was the beach in the southwest where we went out to snorkel around a coral reef, but sadly it was almost dead and not much fish either. 🥺🐠🐟

In Denmark I feel like working class, but here I was a millionaire and felt quite embarrassed by living such an unconcerned life compared to the endless struggle the Malagasy’s have just to stay alive.

I wanted to give them all I had, right then and there, especially the children. 💸

All this being said, Madagascar is still amazingly beautiful and diverse and the Malagasy people are so friendly and hospitable.

It’s not too late to save this paradise if we stand together and share some of our wealth.

Madagascar really got under my skin, so I would be SO grateful if you would help me reach my goal for this fundraising.

I might be naive to think we can save the world, but we can certainly make a big difference.
